JAM bobs her hair. It’s been a few days since chopping my hair off & I haven’t fully decided yet, but I think I might like it. YOU KNOW when you first get a haircut & you’re REALLY surprised every time you look in the mirror? WELL there’s been lots of that, so that’s a fun new thing. BUT I needed a change & I’ve tried the lob, SO I figured, why not try a bob this time.

I MEAN, lol this is the new me, this is what I look like now. YA KNOW I think I might like it. I THINK I might kinda love it? I’M NOT SURE. I’m still figuring out the best ways to style it now that it’s much shorter, SO if you have any tips, leave them in the comments! IF you’re thinking of getting a bob haircut, OR IF you wanna see me look ugly, ORRR IF you have 3 minutes that you just DO NOT know what to do with, check it out. WATCH if you want & SUBSCRIBE if you like, both are totally FREE.99 & really help me out!

p.s. don’t ever let anyone tell you what to do with your hair, OKAY? OKAY.

jam bobs her hair:


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